
I'm fucking-lazy-bug . I knoowww . So let's the picture do the talking .

This is my mom BF & I just fuckin-kiddin . Superb HOT foreigners that we met at Gurney , Penang . 
Ghost festival . 

This-is-so-fuckin-awesomee-seafood . I ain't kiddin . 

 Okayy , this is my family currently addiction . 

My 'kapong' means my hometown . Omggod freakin miss this place . 
 My B'day cake . Very spiky . We called it The Spiky . It's lemon cheeese yeah! 

My mom's caption : baby v the new dress . Ready to go . PARTY tonite . 

Omgood this make my adrenaline rush . It's freakin awesomee to be there . And it's worth it . 

You see ? It's durian stall & I'm not there . My mom went there without me . 

My mom's caption : Nothing for her to play , lucky she still have a broom . 

Baby said : I'm just beauty queen , and I'm Brazil fan yo !?

Awesome place but flooded with people . But the food was Omgodd-freakin-delicious
Snake temple . 
That's my sis & I just want the beautiful Tokyo Street board at the back instead of my beautiful sis . Muahahahha .